PPA Cover

Your Consistently Excellent PPA Solution…

Total Sports has been supporting primary schools across Yorkshire for the past 17 years with its delivery of the PE curriculum. Our passion comes from seeing your children thrive through the medium of sport, developing life long transferable skills and engaging with sport inside and outside of school. Over the past 17 years we’ve seen the profound effect an excellent PE curriculum can have on primary schools and the wider community; if children love PE at school they will want to engage with it in the community and it’s our role as PE teachers to facilitate this.

Our coaching team consists of 14 full time coaches all of whom come from education or sports coaching degree and qualification backgrounds. We understand that schools rely on their PPA providers to be consistent and deliver exceptional provision. Schools want outsider providers like Total Sports to be an extension of the teaching team and our staff take pride in taking your children from start to finish. Our coaches assume the role of the teacher, handling such things as children arriving at school, registering them, getting them changed, delivering sessions, dismissing at home time and providing feedback to teachers on how their children have been. Schools receive the same staff member every week, we like our team to embed themselves into your school and become a real part of your community; this means they get to know your children and staff team. If one of our team is off due to sickness or annual leave then we provide another staff member to cover the sessions to always ensure you dont have to worry about your PPA cover.

Experienced in delivering the full breadth of the primary PE curriculum, our team are able to follow the schools long term plan or our set Ofsted approved planning scheme. Our staff specialise in a range of sports from football, cricket, basketball, dance, gymnastics, outdoor adventurous and more; we are able to take the full curriculum and deliver to all age ranges from reception to year 6!

With fully qualified teachers at the heart of the business, our role is to ensure our coaches are providing exceptional support and provision. With weekly training sessions, half termly observations and planning meetings, our passion comes from ensuring your school receives the best possible service!!

    How Does Total Sports’ PPA Support Work?

    We tailor our support to your schools requirements and needs! We currently teach in over 45 schools across the Yorkshire region and every school is unique in how they utilise our services. We are able to create a bespoke and diverse provision which takes into account all of the intricacies of your school to ensure your school receives the best possible service.

    The most common ways in which schools utilise our services are;

    • Full day PPA cover and after school club; Our coach arrives at the start of the day and takes classes as children arrive at school. We deliver PE lessons whilst your staff team are having their PPA time. We teach according to the long term plan of the school or to our own set planning and take a range of year groups across the day. At the end of the day we feedback to teaches how their children have been and any important information they need ahead of tomorrow. After the school day has finished, our coach takes an after school club which is organised by our office team, the after school club can be based on any sport and for any year group.
    • A morning of PPA cover; Similar to the above, our coach delivers PE curriculum sessions to your children for the morning. Our coach can also lead play leader training at break time or lunchtime to up skill children to deliver games to their peers.
    • An afternoon of PPA cover with an after school club; Our coach arrives at lunchtime, delivers a lunchtime play leader training club and then takes PE curriculum sessions for the afternoon. At the end of the day our coach stays at school to deliver an after school club.

    Costings for our PPA support depend on the schools requirements and are bespoke to each school.